
YJV22-0.6/1kV Insulated Power Cable

This product is manufactured according to GB / t12706-2008 "rated voltage 35kV and below copper core, aluminum core plastic insulated power cable" standard. At the same time, it is also manufactured according to IEC, British standard, German standard and American Standard.
Insulated Power Cable
Hotline: +86-13333368669
YJV22-0.6/1kV Insulated Power Cable

Product introduction

★ Product standard

This product is manufactured according to GB / t12706-2008 "rated voltage 35kV and below copper core, aluminum core plastic insulated power cable" standard. At the same time, it is also manufactured according to IEC, British standard, German standard and American Standard.

★ Scope of application

This product is suitable for fixed laying in power distribution network or industrial device with rated power frequency voltage of 0.6/1kv and below.

★ Usage characteristics

3.1 rated power frequency voltage: U0 / u (UM) 0.6 / 1 (1.2) kV
3.2 the maximum allowable long-term working temperature of cable conductor is 90 ℃
3.3 in case of short circuit (the longest duration is not more than 5S), the maximum allowable temperature of cable conductor shall not exceed 250 ℃:
3.4 the ambient temperature during cable laying shall not be lower than 0 ℃.
3.5 the bending radius of the cable shall not be less than 20 times of the outer diameter of the cable.

Product parameters

Model Name Application
YJV Copper core XLPE insulated PVC sheathed power cable Indoor, tunnel, cable trench and other places can not bear external mechanical force. Single core cables are not allowed to be laid in magnetic pipes
YJLV Aluminum core XLPE insulated PVC sheathed power cable
YJY Copper core XLPE insulated PE sheathed power cable
YJLY Aluminum core XLPE insulated PE sheathed power cable
YJV22 Copper core XLPE insulated steel tape armored PVC sheathed power cable The indoor, tunnel and cable trench are buried in the laying, which can bear certain mechanical external forces, but can not bear large tensile force.
YJLV22 Aluminum core XLPE insulated steel strip armored PVC sheathed power cable
YJV23 Copper core XLPE insulated steel tape armored PE sheathed power cable
YJLV23 Aluminum core XLPE insulated steel strip armored PE sheathed power cable
YJV32 Copper core XLPE insulated fine steel wire armored PVC sheathed power cable The indoor, tunnel and cable trench are buried in the laying, which can bear certain mechanical external forces, but can not bear large tensile force.
YJLV32 Aluminum core XLPE insulated fine steel wire armored PVC sheathed power cable

Cable operation conditions

1. Laying in air

1.1 when the single core cable is laid in parallel, the center distance: 185 mm 2 or less is twice of the cable diameter, and 240mm 2 or more is 90mm.
1.2 ambient air temperature: 40 ℃
1.3 long term maximum operating temperature of Conductor: 90 ℃

2. Directly buried laying

2.1 When the single core cable is laid without contact, the distance between the center of the cable is twice the diameter of the cable.
2.2 soil temperature: 25 ℃
2.3 long term maximum working temperature of Conductor: 90 ℃
2.4 soil temperature coefficient: 1.0 ℃. M / W
2.5 direct burial depth: 0.7m

Cable installation and use

1. Cable selection

1.1 the rated voltage U0 / u (UM) of the cable is shown as: uo is the rated power frequency voltage between the conductor for the cable design and the ground or metal shield, u is the rated power frequency voltage between the conductors for the cable design, and um is the maximum value of the highest system voltage that the equipment can withstand.
1.2 according to the different laying environment and load of the cable, correctly design and select the type and specification of the cable. Non armored type is suitable for overhead, indoor, tunnel, cable trench and other occasions, and can not bear external mechanical force; The armored type can be directly buried underground under the same conditions as the non armored type, and can bear certain external mechanical force. Single core cable is not allowed to be laid in magnetic pipe. Special type of cable should be selected for inflammable and explosive, chemical corrosive, high temperature and low temperature.

2. Storage and transportation

During the storage of cables, the packaging shall be standardized to avoid long-term outdoor sun exposure, both ends shall be reliably sealed, long-term storage and humid environment are not allowed, and the cable reel cannot be placed horizontally. During transportation, the height of the plate should be considered and fixed effectively. During hoisting, several plates are not allowed to be hoisted at the same time, and it is strictly forbidden to push down from a high place.

3. Laying and installation

3.1 special tools such as pay off rack and guide roller shall be used for cable laying to prevent mechanical damage and keep away from heat source.
3.2 when the cable is laid through the pipe, the inner diameter of the pipe shall not be less than 1.5 times of the outer diameter of the cable. When multiple cables are laid through the pipe, it is forbidden to twist and squeeze the cable. The pipe has enough capacity, and the total area of the cable shall not exceed 40% of the total area in the pipe
3.3 the minimum temperature of cable laying shall not be lower than 0 ℃, and the bending radius shall not be less than 20 times.
3.4 when the traction conductor clamp is used for laying, the maximum allowable traction force is p = OA (n), a conductor section. O is 50N / mm2 (copper) and 30n / mm2 (aluminum).

4. Test

After installation, the insulation resistance of the cable shall be tested without load. If necessary, AC power frequency withstand voltage test shall be conducted for 1min

Technical Parameter
  • Low Voltage Power Cable Test Report

Low Voltage Power Cable Test Report
Product Inruiry
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Zhongxiang Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd.

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Mobile: +86-13333368669

Website: www.zxgdkj.cn

Address: Jinhua Road branch line, Renqiu Economic Development Zone, Hebei Province

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